I’m turning 40 pretty soon.
So a few months ago I decided to take advantage of the great medical services (I was living in Barcelona) and get a full body checkup.
I spent an entire day in the hospital getting poked and prodded and examined from every angle. . .
And as I lay on the table waiting for another test. . .
I thought how great it is that we have so many skilled, hardworking doctors looking out for our best interests today.
👽 And how horrible it would be if medicine worked like investing…
You go to the hospital. . .
The doctor asks you a few questions. . .
and then recommends the most expensive procedures he can imagine.
A kidney transplant…
Some plastic surgery…
With a bit of gene therapy on top, just to charge an extra €10’000.
That’d be horrible, right?
Fortunately medicine doesn’t work like that (at least here in Europe).
👎 But investing does.
If you want to have a financial checkup. . .
if you go to your bank to ask for help. . .
And by the way in most of Europe these are the only people with a license to give you advice. . .
Then the advice you get will be whatever makes your bank the most money.
Invest in expensive funds.
Buy a lot of them.
And keep trading to generate commissions.
✨ That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news.
With medicine, learning how to “do it yourself” is not practical.
It would take years of full time training.
But with investing, we can all take charge of our own finances.
All it takes is a few weeks of effort to learn the basics.
So get going today. Start taking action.
Because you know how it goes:
Action today, freedom tomorrow.
My next free webinar for European investors is coming up soon. It’s a great starting point for taking control of your financial future.
You can register here: indexmasterclass.com/
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