I grew up in the Soviet Union.
I shared one small bedroom with my parents and my brother.
All my clothes had patches on them.
Getting to eat a banana or orange was a special occasion.
(by the way, that’s me waving at you in the picture)
🙌 I was a happy child – but I wanted more.
A Mars bar. . .
A personal computer. . .
My first trip abroad. . .
There was always a dream out of reach.
Today, my kids are really comfortable ✌🏻
Tasty food. . . toys. . . cool trips and experiences. . .
they get it at all, and I do worry sometimes how that will shape their lives.
I think it’s a problem for many of us today.
🇪🇺 In Europe, it’s easy to get used to a comfortable existence.
Maybe you’ve got a stable job…
The government gives you unemployment protections and free health care. . .
you can keep working 9 to 5 until retirement and then you’ll get a small but decent pension. . .
things are fine.
Just fine.
Except you keep wondering – is this it? 🤔
Isn’t there more to life?
And of course there is. . .
there is so much of the world to see. . .
so many cool experiences to have and people to meet. . .
but unless you’re a 20-year-old with no responsibilities who can go backpacking around the world. . .
most of those experiences require wealth.
And building wealth is hard when you’re too comfortable.
✨ If you want more freedom in your life. . .
then it’s time to start taking risks.
You need to risk your free time to build up valuable skills.
Risk your career to go for higher-paying jobs or positions that pay based on commission.
And risk your money – whether through investing or starting your own business. . .
The question is – how much do you want it? 🔥
Is your comfortable life good enough?
Or do you want something more?
There’s no right answer to that question.
Everyone has to decide for themselves.
I only know one thing. The formula works like this:
Action today. Freedom tomorrow. ⚡️
By the way, I’ve never regretted a single professional risk that I’ve taken.
As long as you have a safety cushion in your bank account. . .
as long as failure will not devastate your family’s life. . .
then taking career risks or business risks is a no-brainer.
If you succeed, your life goes to a different level.
If you fail – well, you learn a lot for next time.
What do you think?
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